

GitHub - lardemua/atom: Calibration tools for multi-sensor, multi-modal robotic systems

ATOM was used to calibrate the sensors, since it has a lot of tools for multi-sensor systems which is the case of the Atlascar2.

Problems faced

Interactive pattern wrong reference frame · Issue #45 · lardemua/atlascar2

To tackle this problem two scripts were created:

The idea is to start recording the rosbag and right after run the pattern_pose_pub. This way there’s no time wasted which results in rosbags with smaller sizes.


The results were good as expected since it’s a simulated environment. The cameras and the lidar had sub pixel and millimetre accuracy, respectively:


To check if the calibration was working well some noise was added to the initial positions of the sensors which increased the errors. Eventually, they ended up converging to similar good results.